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  • unknown
    September 30, 2006
    Let me tell you a simple fact about myself, I love the Dave Matthews Band. Anyone and everyone in my life knows this about me, whether you are a good friend or not. In everyone's life there are foundations enabling us to STAND UP, and the Dave Matthews Band is one of them for me. His music has been with me since the beginning of my adult life. Since I was 12 years old I have loved every single song they have released. It amazes me how the Dave Matthews Band is able to adapt and change with every CD. So many bands today just stay the same, and it gets boring so you lose touch with them. Oh, but not the Dave Matthews Band; rather they continue to change and blow me away with great music. You know why I love this CD, because it is mix between county, bluegrass, southern blues, and rock that only the Dave Matthews Band can pull off. When I eventually get married, and believe me Sarah, it will happen, I think I am going to chose "Steady As We Go," as my wedding song, it is just great. Stand Up, is classic Dave Matthews Band at their best, and I thank GOD, for bringing Dave Matthews Band into this world, because music like this deserves to be made.
  • melissa
    June 23, 2006
    You know what...I love this CD! I think that a band needs to change slightly from time to time to keep things fresh. This CD is a perfect reflection of that! Is this album comparable to Under The Table And It's different, and change is good! I love the "Southern" sound of most of the tracks. You could see the inspiration came from the set of Because of Winn Dixie. Another good example of a great band that changed: The Beatles. Now think about it....I Wanna Hold Your Hand was NOTHING similar to Yellow Submarine. Bands have to change to stay on top of things. I love Stand Up. I love ALL of their CDs (even Everday). I'm proud to be a Dave fan, and I'll be one for life. Melissa
  • Snails
    May 9, 2006
    OK. so...... This CD can be summed up in one word-FUN. see if you look into all his studio Albums, you will see the themes. for example, Under the Table and Dreaming was his first studio release. If you look into each song you find out that the songs are sort of experimental. Most of them have and upbeat tune and are almost festive. Next you come to Crash. Crash has a reflective mood to it. Crash also questions life to some degree. When you get to BTCS, you see that the first half has a delightfull mood. Towards the middle the mood also gets a bit angry and finally towards the end, the mood becomes a sort of "oh i fell this is sad but i get back up. As we get to Everyday, we see sort of greediness in Dave with his everday songs. He talks about himself in that CD. Next we go on to Busted Stuff. Now let me say this, Busted Stuff is his strongest and most powerfull CD. if you pay attention to his songs, you will see some of his darkest parts of life in the lyrics. Still he puts hints of hope in that CD. Finally we reach Stand Up. Now Stand Up is strictly a fun CD. He was playin around when he made this album. Sure you have hints about the current state of the world scattered around in this album. but the majority is jus Dave being chill and messin around. I had mixed feelings bout the CD when i first heard it, but it is an excellent 'chill' CD. of course this CD does not even scratch the quality that BTCS has, but its up there with the rest of Dave's albums. in all very satisfying CD.
  • anklecracker
    May 5, 2006
    When I first listened to this I sorta got it but after the third listen it hit home....definitely top three among their CD's for me ....different than earlier DMB for sure but I relate DMB's approach to my other favorite band....Rush....not that their sound is anywhere near similar....but consider...the members of both groups are consumate musicians....they aren't afraid to explore and grow musically and say something meaningful with their lyrics (I would love to get Neil Peart and Dave in a room and listen to them talk shop about writing lyrics)....and they truly care about their fans...I only hope that DMB can last as long as Rush (32 years and counting)...
  • Lillywhite
    May 5, 2006
    i thought this cd was awesome,especially when they play the songs live. It is great to see dmb still make amazing music after being together over ten years. I especially love smooth rider. I also liked the extras on the cd. It was nice to see where they recorded the album and just see them in their own environment.