In January 1999, Dave and Tim embarked on their longest tour - 39 shows spread across the country, largely played in theaters and college auditoriums. Unique versions of older songs, new covers and tracks from Before These Crowded Streets – performed acoustic for the first time – played a prominent role in the tour setlists. For our next DMBLive, we have selected our first show from this tour - a stop at Kingsbury Hall on the University of Utah's campus.
Highlights of this release include the first Dave and Tim version of The Last Stop (a song that the duo has only played one other time) and Stay (Wasting Time). The Dave and Tim performances of these songs mark the first ever release by the duo! Also included is an early version of Bartender that at this point was beginning to resemble the song that it would become, and Seek Up, which contains the outro that outside of this tour has only been performed during full band shows. Finally, new covers exclusively played during this tour include Lyle Lovett's If I Had a Boat & The Rolling Stones' Wild Horses. Those two songs, along with both of Tim's solos, also make their live release debut. 3.3.99 J.T. Kingsbury Hall, Salt Lake City, UT, has been digitally mastered and is available in its entirety.
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In January 1999, Dave and Tim embarked on their longest tour - 39 shows spread across the country, largely played in theaters and college auditoriums. Unique versions of older songs, new covers and tracks from Before These Crowded Streets – performed acoustic for the first time – played a prominent role in the tour setlists. For our next DMBLive, we have selected our first show from this tour - a stop at Kingsbury Hall on the University of Utah's campus.
Highlights of this release include the first Dave and Tim version of The Last Stop (a song that the duo has only played one other time) and Stay (Wasting Time). The Dave and Tim performances of these songs mark the first ever release by the duo! Also included is an early version of Bartender that at this point was beginning to resemble the song that it would become, and Seek Up, which contains the outro that outside of this tour has only been performed during full band shows. Finally, new covers exclusively played during this tour include Lyle Lovett's If I Had a Boat & The Rolling Stones' Wild Horses. Those two songs, along with both of Tim's solos, also make their live release debut. 3.3.99 J.T. Kingsbury Hall, Salt Lake City, UT, has been digitally mastered and is available in its entirety.
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